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Neils Henrik David Bohr coloring pages

Neils Henrik David Bohr, popularly known as Neils Bohr, was born on 7 October, 1885 in Copenhagen, Denmark. His contributions included understanding the foundations of quantum mechanics and atomic structure, the former also earning him Nobel Prize in the year 1922. In 1926, he was also awarded with the coveted Franklin Medal for his brilliant efforts in the field of Physics. In 1921, with the help of Carlsberg Foundation as well as Danish Government, he founded the Institute of Theoretical Physics. His ideas also included the instigation of the Principle of Complementarity. Werner Heisenberg, who developed the Principle of Uncertainty, had also worked as Bohr's assistant for some time. Bohr's prime works included Bohr Model of atom, Shell Model, Liquid Drop Model and the Principle of Complementarity among others. Danish Government also awarded him with Order of the Elephant due to the name he carved out for himself. He also has one of the elements of the Periodic Table, Bohrium (Bh) named after him. He died on 18 November, 1962.