John Von Neumann coloring page

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John Von Neumann coloring page
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John von Neumann (28 December, 1903–8 February, 1957) was primarily a mathematician, and wrote numerous papers on both pure and applied math. He also made important contributions to a number of other fields of inquiry, including quantum physics, economics and computer science. Von Neumann studied Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at German and Swiss universities for several years, finally receiving a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Budapest in 1926. While at Los Alamos, Von Neumann became impressed with the need to develop computational equipment technology that could carry out the enormously complex mathematical calculations which the then scientists had to carry out by hand. In 1944, Von Neumann became involved with efforts to develop computers, most notably ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator), which was then the most powerful device under construction. In summary, Von Neumann rethought the basic design of the computer into the separate components of arithmetic function, central control (now known as the central processing unit (CPU)), memory (the hard drive) and the input and output devices. Under Von Neumann's supervision, a computer with these capabilities was developed at the Institute of Advanced Studies from 1946 to 1951.

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