Lev Artsimovich coloring page

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Lev Artsimovich coloring page
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Lev Artsimovich was born on 25 February, 1909. He was a famous Soviet physicist. Along with this he was an academician and renowned member of the presidium of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. He became the hero of the Socialist Labour in 1969. His field of work was plasma Physics and nuclear fusion. He worked in the Soviet Atomic Bomb Project and was the head of Soviet Fusion Power Program.
He was popularly known as the Father of the Tokamak. This is a special concept for fusion reactor. Under the expert guidance of Lev Artsimovich, a thermonuclear fusion reaction was conducted for the very first time. For ten years, he was the vice-chairman of the Soviet Pugwash Committee. American Academy of Arts and Sciences elected him as the Foreign Honorary Member. A moon crater called Artsimovich was named after this popular scientist. Other than this, he was awarded the Order of Lenin four times and the Order of the Red Banner two times. He died on 1 March, 1973.

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