George Harry Heilmeier coloring pages

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George Harry Heilmeier coloring pages
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George Harry Heilmeier was born on 22 May, 1936, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was an American engineer and entrepreneur, who was a revolutionary contributor to liquid crystal display. Heilmeier joined RCA Laboratories in 1958 in Princeton, New Jersey. In those laboratories he worked on so many things likes parametric enlargement, tunnel diode down-converters, millimeter wave generation, ferroelectric thin film devices, organic semiconductors and electro-optic effects in molecular and liquid crystals. He revealed a number of new electro-optic effects in liquid crystals in 1964 that led to the earliest running liquid crystal displays based on what he called the dynamic scattering mode (DSM).
Heilmeier has received several awards till today, holds 15 patents, and he is a member of the several organizations, like National Academy of Engineering, the Defense Science Board, and the National Security Agency Advisory Board. In 2012 the latest award that he received is Charles Stark Draper Prize by National Academy of Engineering.

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