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Charles Darwin coloring pages

Charles Darwin is regarded as a distinguished figure in history and was known for his exceptional scientific discoveries. Darwin was born in 12th February, 1809, in Shrewsbury, England. He was deeply interested in the subject of taxonomy, which implied the classification of living things and marine surroundings. The five-year voyage throughout the globe on a ship called HMS Beagle is considered as the most striking event in Darwin's life. During the voyage Darwin had inculcated thorough knowledge about the geological areas he visited and had even amassed the numerous assortment of the natural historical specimen. This remarkable voyage was perhaps the principle inspiration that aided him to coin the later ideas. Darwin is well renowned for proposing 'the theory of evolution', which was accepted on a global basis. This great personality had discovered a natural law, which mentions that life has come into existence on the basis of the force of natural selection. He also coined the phrasal words–survival of the fittest. He died on 19 April, 1882